Monday, September 15, 2008

Short and sweet, I wish.............

I am trying to figure out how to show just a few lines of what I am writing, then give the reader a choice on whether he or she wants to read the whole piece. I will count on friends to help me with this. It will be like a short introduction, or tease, or just a way that people do not have to read the whole long blog before they even get to the "This Day in History, or Inspirational Quote or anything else" I may have at the bottom of page. Any comments are always welcome.
This is just another piece I need to learn. Some of you will be happy to read that I have learned how to edit (correct) previous posts, like the one that I mentioned Lucky my cat, I said she greets us, then he appreciates us, no wonder Lucky is confused, I call him a he and a she. Well to set the Record "str8", Lucky is a Male Tabby. Now that is duly noted and corrected we can move on. Sorry Lucky.


Todd HellsKitchen said...

I find that Blog posts are best when they are short and to the point.... Just my preference, and that's my style over on Postcards from Hell's Kitchen....

But many bloggers have a different philosophy....

People can (and do) skim over my own posts and read what interests them, and skip what they don't find interesting...

So if you are interested in writing loooong posts... Here's a way to do it... And this is what I would do....

Start a new blog... Referred to as a "Side Blog"....

Here on Niall's Voice you can write a blog post as a tease for the longer piece over on, say Niall's Writings....

At the end of your tease put the link to the more depthful piece over on the Niall's Writings blog....

People can click over to it or not....

You can give a link to a specific post....(Not just the whole blog)

You can make Niall's Writings available to search engines or not, and you can arrange that the only blog appearing on your Profile as Niall's Voice....

So Niall's Voice would be your day to day blog.... and serve as the only gateway to Niall's Writings...

That's my 2 centavos...

Neil said...

Well now I am totally confused, but I think we are actually agreeing. I am right on that?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Idea by todd.........

Anonymous said...

Todd is on to something.......not that I wouldn't read it here or there.......I would. I get the point though........